This week, Isaac finished off the final CAD design, work on the website was done, and work on the major content information, which is being called the 'sections' for now, was conducted.
Final CAD Design
The CAD Ship Design has been split into its modules, and has been rendered. There were also two versions made of the design; one with high resolution materials and objects for rendering images, and one with lower resolution materials and simple objects for use in the browser, on the homepage. The renders are shown below, in Figures 1-5.

Website Design Progress
Colour Scheme & Typography
The colour scheme and typography decided upon in Week 14 was applied to the website! Figure 6 and 7 shows a quick comparison, but the full difference can be viewed in the links in the Site Design Difference Showcase.

Header Change
Also shown in Figure 6 and 7, the header of the website was changed, to be a more spacious and open layout, to include the logo, and to remove some features such as the theme switcher.
Furthermore, as shown in Figure 8, the header now sticks to the top of the page, and there is a shadow effect at the bottom of the header.

Logo Change
The logo was also changed, and the before and after of this is shown in Figures 9 and 10. The new logo is simpler, has a circular footprint, and is cleaner in its svg form. We also thought that the presence of Mars better represents our company, and that the background fit better with our new colour scheme.

Site Design Difference Showcase
Section Work
This week, Will & Christy began work on the sections. Will began working on Location, and Christy began work on Resources. This was self appointed by Will & Christy. However, we also changed our system of work, so that multiple people are not working on the same document at the same time.
This is shown clearly in Figure 11. Because Will & Christy worked on the same document at the same time, two branches must be created, and extra work must be done to merge the two branches together, potentially removing hard work if the same sections were edited.
This can lead to very messy situation as well, as exaggerated in Figure 12.