
Website Inspiration

The base of the whole project was AstroPaper Theme, although we diverted away from the theme via our colour scheme and typography, in the homepage, with the table of contents, with the navigation, with the navbar, and with the main section pages.

The main inspiration for our homepage and navbar was the Threlte homepage. Some base code for the homepage was also taken from there.

Inspiration for the Table of Contents was from Blowfish, as well as Tailwind CSS.

Tools Used

We used many tools during the process of building this project. An non-inclusive list includes:

Built With

Astro Forge Technologies is made possible by, and built on:


All of the above projects are open source, under the MIT License. The Astro Forge Technologies website and contents are also under the MIT License. Essentially, do whatever you like with our code and contents, but we are not liable for warranty.

We thank the Open Source Community for the amazing resources, tools and libraries which they provide!


AI Usage

We used AI in Generating our Company Name, Company Slogan, and Company Icon, as of the 1st of May 2024.

For the logo, the .jpg image file was converted into a .svg via the Adobe Express JPG to SVG Converter, and then manually cleaned up using Inkscape.

This usage of AI was approved by our supervisor at the time, Mr. Peter Hughes.

General Sources (136 Total)

Image-Only Sources (21 Total)

Model-Only Sources (3 Total)